I'm Thinking of Outsourcing Thanksgiving

Did you hear that?  It's my mom gasping in Ohio.  I admit that I am dreading Thanksgiving.  I don't want to cook.  Once Thanksgiving comes and goes, that means it's officially Christmas time in spite of Santa and his Elves showing up at Roosevelt and Green Acres Mall a bit too early for my liking.  It means that it's time to pull out the Christmas tree and trimmings and try to decide which decorations I want to use this year.  We have two sets of decorations.  We have two Christmas trees.  By the time the living room tree is completely decorated, I've run out of juice to decorate the kid's tree.  What was I thinking?

 Back to Thanksgiving. I want to give Thanksgiving the respect it deserves since no one else is.  I can't believe that I was walking through Kohl's today and some overly happy employee was actually dancing and singing to the music while she was supposed to be stocking the shelves.  I should report her.  She's probably happy she didn't get hired at Target.  I would be.  That store's a mess right now.

There are so many restaurants out there making it easy for us to spend Thanksgiving.  That would mean breaking 40 years of family tradition for both my husband and I.  Well, he would be breaking 36 years of tradition. Yeah, I'm sort of an almost cougar but the age difference doesn't really come out until he has tells me he had no idea "The Jefferson's" was a spin off of "All in the Family."  Geesh.

Back to the cooking part of Thanksgiving.  Did I say I don't want to cook?  Oh, I did.  Well, I don't.  However, it is a good time to practice and hopefully perfect the art of making macaroni and cheese.  I have tried for the last few years and of all the dishes the family reaches the days AFTER Thanksgiving, the mac and cheese dish is usually the one forgotten.  I am happy that I secured my Granny Smith's Dutch Apple pie on sale 2/$5 at Pathmark.  Go get yours!

Find Great Deals at BedandBreakfast.com!

This just in!  My mother-in-law just told me that she will do the turkey and sweet potatoes, my husband will make the collard greens (seasoned with turkey), which leaves very little for me to do.  I can heat up some mean dinner rolls, and can toss a nice salad.  Hmmm....maybe Thanksgiving cooking dinner won't be so bad after all.  I'm sure I'll cook a few more items but the thought of not having to cook is pretty pleasing.

Now, I have to figure out how to outsource Christmas.  Who wants to decorate my home?

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