Are You A Dipper or a Douser?

The hot topic of the day in the world of children's health is ketchup or catsup, however you say it or spell is your business.  The French are basically saying that it's not healthy.  Or are they really trying to get the Americans back for dousing the #1 food amongst kids (in my house anyway) with the red sauce covering up the natural taste of the food?  What's the real motive?  When you think about it, it's already an unhealthy food before one drowns it in ketchup.  It's fried people so how about the French talk about that?  I personally only use ketchup when I'm at home.  I don't use it nor do I allow my kids to use it while driving in the car.  Don't judge me as I know I shouldn't eat on the run, but if Panera Bread or Boston Market had a drive through that's where I would be.  But they don't in my neighborhood.

My kids eat the sauce more than I do and just yesterday, my son elected to eat hot dogs for lunch.  While my husband chooses to cover his food with the sauce, it appears as if my children have adopted my dipping gene.  Maybe I influenced them, I don't know.  As I glanced over to make sure my son was eating, I caught him putting what appeared to be a glob of ketchup in his mouth.  It was actually a hot dog covered in ketchup.  Yuck, but whatever it takes to finish your meal I'm all for it.

There are healthier types of ketchup now and I have actually purchased a few.  I don't taste much difference.  Try these healthier options and stay away from the Gayle King method (hear her say it on her show this morning) who uses ketchup and mayonnaise.  Double yuck.

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