Angels Nail Spa

If you live anywhere near VS you know there's no shortage of nail salons on Rockaway. Parkway. I'm getting a mani pedi today at Angel Nails which is where I've settled after trying ABC in the last 2 years living here. I like their customer service. When you walk in you immediately are placed in the pedi chair in the event there is noone available to service you. In addition, upon completion of your service you receive approximately a 5-10 minute complimentary massage which truly entices you to return. If you're lucky you even receive a comp massage during your mani. While the massage can be a bit heavy if you ask to have it lightened up a bit she immediately obliged.

I have been serviced by just about everyone and they are all pretty good. If I had to choose my favorite in the bunch, I will have to get back with you. Can't think of her name right now. We just clicked because we bonded over baby stories during my pregnancy while she worked down the street at another nail salong. I also find her to be the best eyebrow waxer. A mani/pedi combo will cost you $25 plus tip. My favorite is the Green Tea pedi at $35. It is soooo worth it.

Angels Nail Spa
162 Rockaway Parkway
Valley Stream, NY 11580

Mon thru Friday 9:30a to 7:30p
Saturday 9a to 7p
Sunday 10a- 6:30p

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