How I'm Failing at Shoe Tying

If I were in the final semester of college with two finals left, I would totally not graduate. I am failing at pushing my children along in where they need to be in life.
Photo Credit: PBS
My oldest is almost seven and cannot tie her shoes. I totally blame myself. I did sit down with her over the summer and we got the first step down. However, frustration set in for both of us when she couldn't complete step 2 and I couldn't figure out an easy way to get her through step 2.

So here we are today with me being frustrated at having to tie a first graders sneakers on gym day. Some of the frustration is due to sneaker manufacturers designing kicks with velcro instead of laces. It was a great idea at first but now it's hindering my child's development and killing my mommy self-esteem. Thanks!


How did you teach your kid to tie their shoes?
Is there an app or video tutorial?

PBS DIY Shoe Tying Board


  1. I started at the summer before my older daughter went into Kindergarten but it really didn't work. But, by the grace of God, her classmate showed her and now she's an expert. I'm hoping she can teach my younger daughter who is a kindergartener now. Good Luck!

  2. Having a classmate teach her to tie her shoes is a good idea! Never thought of that.
